CTC at Hamilton County Training Center

What's a Command Training Center?

Through a partnership with the Westfield Fire Department and the Hamilton County Training Center, offering one-day classes at their facility. PL Harper Consulting has previously offered this class throughout Indiana and Kentucky.

The Command Training Center places each participant in a role on a simulated fire ground. In one scenario, you may serve as the initial incident commander, in another, you'll serve as the second arriving engine, ladder or tanker. Later you might serve as the Chief officer. We'll complete enough sets and reps so that everyone attending has the opportunity to manage a fire ground.

$200.00 per student

Several people from one agency wanting to attend? Discounts available! Please email us for information and restrictions


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Upcoming Classes

August to October is always a busy time for everyone. We don't have anything on the calendar now, but we'll be looking at scheduling classes in the late fall early winter. Check back soon!